by susan.denisi | Nov 1, 2024 | Circuit Breaker, Air Filter, Drain Pan, Ducts, Furnace, Heating, Power Source, Thermostat, Troubleshooting
If your furnace isn’t turning on, don’t worry! We’ve got some simple troubleshooting steps you can try. With winter here, your furnace is ready to keep you warm and cozy this season and beyond. As a homeowner, you know how disappointing it can be to look forward to a...
by susan.denisi | Sep 1, 2024 | Fall, Furnace, HVAC System, Safety Check, Scheduling, Season, Tune-up, Warranty, Weather, Winter
Securing a furnace check-up in September is a strategic move that benefits homeowners in Hilliard, Ohio, in distinctive ways such as the weather, timing, preparing for the upcoming cold season, and prioritizing safety. At Hilliard-Dublin Heating & Air, our...
by susan.denisi | Nov 1, 2023 | Furnace, Age, Heating Unit, Maintenance, Manufacturer, Manufacturer's Label, Owner's Manual, Repair, Replacement, Warranty
Your furnace plays a crucial role in maintaining a warm and comfortable home environment, especially during the harsh, frigid months. However, like any significant household appliance, furnaces have a limited lifespan. Therefore, whether you’ve recently...
by susan.denisi | Feb 1, 2023 | Emergency Plan, Backup Plan, Cold Weather, Efficiency, Fireplace, Furnace, Gas Meter, Generator, Heat Pump, Heating System, Insulate, Lighter, Outdoor, Portable Heater
Although you no doubt diligently winterized your house last fall, it’s essential that, as a homeowner, you are prepared for any emergency situations involving your HVAC system. You can always depend on Hilliard-Dublin Heating & Air to provide 24/7 emergency...
by susan.denisi | Jan 1, 2023 | Furnace, Blown Out, Burner, Flame, Gone Out, Hilliard-Dublin, HVAC, Lighter, Ohio, Pilot, Pilot Light, Relight
An extinguished pilot light is a common enough occurrence, so if you’re suddenly dealing with your furnace blowing cool air, it’s likely the issue. This can be very frustrating, but don’t worry! As heating and cooling professionals, this is...
by susan.denisi | Dec 1, 2022 | Air Filter, Cycling, Emergency Services, Frozen Pipes, Furnace, Heat Pump, Hilliard-Dublin, HVAC, Ohio, Pilot Light, Restricted Airflow, Thermostat, Winter
HVAC systems are a basic household essential that is required across America. Can you fathom everyday life without a functioning heating system? Fortunately, we don’t have to imagine this because over 90% of households in America have central air. But were you...